A Photograph of the completed Oak Cancer Centre building in Sutton

The Oak Cancer Centre

This world-class facility dedicated to transforming the lives of people affected by cancer was officially opened on 8 June 2023. 

A new era at The Royal Marsden

His Royal Highness Prince William, Prince of Wales, President of The Royal Marsden, visited Sutton on 8 June 2023 to officially open the Oak Cancer Centre.

The Royal Marsden gives hope to patients and their families every day. But the face of cancer research is changing and the number of people who need our help increases every year.

Funded by the supporters of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity’s £70 million Oak Cancer Centre appeal, the state-of-the-art research and treatment facility will help advance the development of new treatments, offering hope for cancer patients worldwide. 

patient appointments since June 2023

“It’s big and airy, and the chairs are well-spaced, allowing for more privacy and room for the nurses to speak to you.”

Rebecca, patient at The Royal Marsden, talking about having treatment in the Olayan Day Care Unit  

To everyone who has donated, fundraised, walked, run, volunteered, or supported us in any way,
Thank you
Brick by brick, your support was instrumental in making the Oak Cancer Centre a reality. 
The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity wishes to thank the following organisations and individuals who generously funded the Oak Cancer Centre and also those who wish to remain anonymous.

Oak Foundation

The Oak Cancer Centre was named in recognition of Oak Foundation, and their generous £25 million donation towards the Oak Cancer Centre appeal. Oak Foundation is a long-standing supporter of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and The Royal Marsden.

Thank you to those who made transformational gifts

Alex Beard & Emma Vernetti

Denise Coates Foundation

Goldman Sachs Gives

Kuok Group Foundation

Basil T D Larsen

Ralph Lauren Corporation

Laurence Misener Charitable Trust

The Suliman S. Olayan Foundation

Garfield Weston Foundation

The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust

Wolfson Foundation

Thank you to more of our generous supporters and the Appeal Board members who kindly volunteered their time to the Oak Cancer Centre appeal.

"Supporters of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity have been vital in creating this world-leading facility that will transform so many lives."

Antonia Dalmahoy, Managing Director of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. 

The Oak Cancer Centre is more than just bricks and mortar.

It is a place where we address some of the most pressing challenges in cancer research, diagnosis and treatment.  

illustration of microscope

A hub for innovation and discovery

For the first time, over 400 researchers are brought together in the same building as clinicians and patients. This interaction will foster collaboration and deepen The Royal Marsde...
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Improving early diagnosis to improve survival 

The Oak Cancer Centre not only means more people will receive earlier cancer diagnoses, it enables researchers to find new and faster ways to identify the disease.
illustration of heart

Providing an environment to match our excellent care

The Oak Cancer Centre provides a reassuring environment that supports the wellbeing, dignity and privacy of our patients.
illustration of person with a teaching board

Training the oncology leaders of the future

The Oak Cancer Centre more than doubles The Royal Marsden’s capacity to host formal training programmes, seminars and lectures

“I love working in the Oak Cancer Centre. I work across different sites and look forward to my days there. The environment supports team building, camaraderie and collaboration between researchers from different tumour specialities.”  

Dr Andrew Furness, Consultant Medical Oncologist

Image of the OCC Capital Appeal Board Members standing outside the Royal Marsden Cancer Hospital

Special thanks to the Oak Cancer Centre Appeal Board 

We are hugely grateful for the incredible support we received from our Appeal Board, chaired by Mike Slade OBE, which was the engine behind our fundraising efforts over the last six years. This highly committed board of 16 volunteers has been instrumental in helping us raise over £70 million to make the building a reality.  

Find out more about The Oak Cancer Centre Appeal Board.

Image of a woman with a money collection bucket raising funds for the charity

Over £70 million raised 

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors, partners and fundraisers, The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity raised over £70 million making it our largest-ever fundraising appeal to date. The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity wishes to thank Oak Foundation and all the organisations and individuals who generously funded the Oak Cancer Centre.  

Take a look back at the Oak Cancer Centre Appeal here.